What Are Palate Expanders? – Types, How to Adjust, and Care Tips
Palate expanders are orthodontic devices used primarily in children to widen the upper jaw. By expanding the palate, these devices create more space in the mouth, which can help correct various dental issues such as crowded teeth, crossbites, and impacted teeth. Understanding the types of palate expanders, how to adjust them, and the best care […]
5 Reasons Why You May Need Surgical Orthodontics
The idea of undergoing jaw surgery might sound a bit daunting, but the results can be truly life-changing. Surgical orthodontics can dramatically enhance the appearance, functionality, and oral health. If you’re wondering whether this type of treatment might be right for you, here are 5 key reasons why you may need surgical orthodontics. What Is […]
What to Expect with Lingual Braces: A Guide for Adults
As an adult, the idea of wearing metal brackets for years might feel unappealing, impacting your confidence during a time when you’ve likely established your professional and social circles. But what if there was a way to straighten your teeth without the world noticing? This is where Lingual Braces come in. Perhaps you’ve heard about […]
Considering Spacing Teeth Treatment? Explore Your Options Here!
Fill the void, embrace your smile makeover! A gap between teeth, known as diastema, is a common dental concern. While some people find gaps charming or unique, others may feel self-conscious about their smile. Fortunately, modern dentistry offers various treatments to close these spaces and enhance your smile. This article will explore the reasons behind […]
What Causes Crooked Teeth and How to Straighten Them
Having crooked or misaligned teeth is a common occurrence among children and adults alike. If you have crooked teeth, it’s important to remember that you shouldn’t feel pressured to straighten them. Teeth that aren’t perfectly aligned are a unique characteristic that can add individuality and charm to your smile. However, if you are dissatisfied with […]
Maintaining Oral Hygiene with Braces: A Step-by-Step Guide
Maintaining oral hygiene holds significance in every phase of life. It’s advisable to brush your teeth at least twice a day to eliminate any plaque accumulation. When you have braces, this routine should be even more frequent. There exist both cosmetic and medical motives for ensuring proper care of your teeth and gums while wearing […]
Simplybraces Launches Cleft Lip and Palate Awareness Campaign for Chinese Community
ASHFIELD, SYDNEY – Simplybraces, a leading orthodontic center, has officially launched the Cleft Lip and Palate Awareness Campaign, a charitable initiative dedicated to helping individuals with cleft lip and palate conditions. Specialist orthodontist Dr. Gareth Ho, with over twenty years of experience, inaugurated the campaign at the newly opened Ashfield clinic on November 25, 2023. […]
Simplybraces 天使笑容公益活動 讓唇顎裂患者重現天使笑容
【本報悉尼訊】悉尼著名矯齒專科醫生何祥德 Dr Gareth Ho 正式啟動 「天使笑容公益活動」Smile Transformation. Dr Ho 宣佈由 11月25日起至 12月25日為止,公開招募五名唇顎裂患者 ( 年齡 22 歲以下) 進行免費面 診,最終選定一位可獲得價值超一萬澳元的專科矯齒治療,使其重現天使笑容。 何醫生不僅堅持數十年如一為病人提供矯齒服務,透過他精湛的技術為病患帶來了美麗與自信的笑 容,還從05年起成為澳洲 ASO矯齒協會的「Give A Smile」計畫的忠實支持者、每年為一位公立病人義診。根據澳洲權威網站 HealthDirect 公佈,澳洲每 800 名新生嬰兒,便有一位患唇裂腭的病例。何醫生表 示「唇顎裂的病症會對患者和家人的生活帶來重大影響,常會出現缺牙、牙齒排列不齊的情況,在語言、學習、社交和心理上均會產生不便與障礙。」 「我們旨在為有需要的人士提供專業治療,為他們 帶來積極改變。 我們鼓勵各社區成員傳播有關此行動的信息,確保符合資格的患者能享受到 Medicare 醫保唇腭裂項目 (Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Scheme) 的補助和扶持。」 何醫生自2002年創立 Simplybraces 矯齒專科中心,從 Burwood 喬遷到 Ashfield 鳳凰中心新址,於 11月25日舉行隆重開幕儀式。 出席嘉賓包括 Reid 區聯邦議員陳莎莉 Sally Sitou, Strathfield 州議員李 […]
“矫齿不就是为了有个美丽的笑容吗?” 这是很多人的错误想法 其实,矫齿不仅仅是为了美观 它还能解决很多口腔问题 和提高我们的生活品质 下面就来看看哪些情况下 你可能需要考虑矫齿服务吧! 【面部和牙齿的和谐之道】 你是否注意到过 有些人的面部轮廓看起来非常和谐 这很可能得益于他们 正确的牙齿排列和颌骨结构 矫齿不仅能让你的笑容更加灿烂 还能改善你的面部轮廓 让你看起来更加自信和魅力四射! 【告别“拥挤”的烦恼】 牙齿拥挤不仅仅是美观的问题 它还可能给我们的口腔健康带来隐患 通过矫齿,我们可以有效地解决这个问题 让你的牙齿“呼吸”得更加自由 【空隙也是个问题】 牙齿之间的过大空隙 也会成为我们的困扰 矫齿可以帮我们减少这些不必要的空隙 不但是为了口腔的卫生 也让我们的笑容更加紧凑和自信 【保护你的“珍贵”牙齿】 牙齿磨损是一个很常见的问题 通过矫齿,我们可以 有效地改善你的咬合关系 减少这种磨损 保护我们的牙齿 【儿童矫齿:及时行动】 如果你是家长,那么你需要特别注意 孩子的牙齿和颌骨是在不断发展的 及时的矫齿咨询 可以帮助我们预防 很多未来可能出现的问题 🌟 【小贴士:如何知道孩子是否需要矫齿】 孩子的牙齿问题有时候不是一眼就能看出来的 但是,有一些迹象可以帮助我们判断 比如,如果你的孩子有以下任何一种情况 那么他们可能需要矫齿服务: • 乳牙过早或过晚脱落 • 牙齿咬合不整齐 • 有口呼吸的习惯 • 出现打鼾或睡眠呼吸暂停的情况 • 成人牙齿拥挤、缺失或错位 • […]