
My Big Day

Special Events

Wedding coming up?

Come in and see Dr Ho to get the expert advice if you are looking to have the Perfect Smile before your wedding and photo sections.

Dr Ho will be able to organise special arrangements according to your wedding plan, where you can have your braces removed for your wedding photo shoot/ceremony and have them put back on for no extra charge to complete the treatment.

Alternatively, why not try Incognito Hidden Braces which are totally invisible!

Graduation, and want that smile to show off the hard work?

For the dazzling smile to show off many years of hard work at your graduation ceremony or formal, we have the perfect treatment options for you.

Dr Ho can make special arrangements for you to take off your braces before the ceremony and put them back on afterwards to complete the treatment.

Expecting a baby? Bring forward your smile to welcome your newborn.

Many people think that pregnancy and braces cannot go together.

Indeed, changes in everyday habits (such as forgetting to brush your teeth) during pregnancy may affect your oral hygiene. But with careful planning and care, you can straighten your teeth while being pregnant.

At Simplybraces, we have a team of caring and experienced staff that can look after you during the different stages of your orthodontic treatment.

Dr Ho is an experienced orthodontist who had treated many mum-to-be patients so you do not need to worry at all – let us take care of your treatment as you prepare to welcome your newborn to the world.

Need Help?

Please call for an appointment.